Our Law Firm
We are a full-service law firm dealing with Civil, Corporate and Commercial Laws and Litigation across the Supreme Court of India, High Courts, District Court and various Tribunals, as well as Criminal matters. Our Principal Office is based in South Delhi, New Delhi, India. We are dedicated to providing legal services to our clients - domestic and international, individual and corporate, public and private companies, and other legal entities. To ensure that our clients receive comprehensive, multi-disciplinary and seamless legal services throughout the country, we work in collaboration with well-respected experts, comprising of, chartered accountants, company secretaries, and consultants with specific industry expertise. Since many of our clients are also in need of representations before other courts or fora of law, outside Delhi/NCR, we have strategic alliances with many other credible law firms and lawyers, spread all over India.
The Glory of a Good Lawyer
Is to Win a Bad Trial.